Thursday, July 12, 2012


Traveling almost always without fail teaches you to trust - to trust technology, to trust strangers to help you, to trust God, to trust yourself. This morning, I woke up about two hours late due to an alarm clock failure with about 40 missed called and 4 text messages from Cathy Myers Wirt checking to see where I am and if I'm still coming! Ah! Not a good way to start your day... I got myself to the airport at 7:55 to meet Doug Wirt and plead to the woman at the desk to see if I could catch another flight to Quito. Her generous and helpful expertise allowed us to get another flight at no additional cost, other than a lowered flight change cost. Trust. Thank you! I am sitting at the terminal now at PDX waiting for my 11:00AM flight to Denver and then to Quito tomorrow morning. Please keep our group in your thoughts and prayers as I understand the group had a delay in PDX with little time to get though customs to make their Quito flight this afternoon. We'll get there.. Surely we will be there soon. 'Til then, blessings.

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